The Essence of All Religion
0₹75.00Param Pujya Dadashri has extracted the essence of the all scriptures and presented it to us, in the form of Nine Kalams. These Nine Kalams are the keys to bringing about a change in the bhaav (inner intnet), on a fundamental level. Not even extensive studying of scriptures will bring about such changes in bhaav (inner intent). Thousands of people have benefited from the simple message of these kalams. By reciting these Nine Kalams, new internal causes are completely changed and one attains inner peace in this life. It will wash away all negativity in one’s life. This is the essence of religion. The path to liberation – spiritual development will then become easy.
The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami
0₹50.00One will have to go to Mahavideha kshetra and after doing Darshan (worship) of the living tirthankara(fully enlightened one), Shri Simandhar Swami there, final moksha is attained..
Science of Speech (Spirituality in Speech)
0₹75.00Param Pujya Dadashri (master of spiritual science) gives us tremendous insight into the fundamental and subtle principles that govern speech. He gives us practical solutions of how to purify verbal interaction with our friends and family so that it hurts no one.
Simple and Effective Science for Self-realization
0₹50.00People believe, “It (happiness) will come from this or it will come from that. I will buy this. I will do that, I will build a bungalow, then I will be happy. I will buy a car, then I will be happy.” They keep on doing this but no happiness comes their way. On the contrary, they sink deeper and deeper into the mire of pain and confusion. True happiness, bliss, lies within. It lies in the Self itself. Therefore, if you attain the Self, you attain the (eternal) happiness.
Right Understanding to Help Others
0₹50.00Right Understanding To Help Others
The deepest science behind this is that when one uses his mind, speech and body for serving others, he or she will have everything; he or she would never be short of material comforts and worldly happiness. Religion begins with an obliging nature. Happiness begins from the moment you do something for others. The purpose of human life is to break this bondage of life after life and for attaining eternal liberation (moksha) from bondage of karma.
Pure Love
0₹75.00If one wants to acquire the supreme love, a love that this world has not seen, heard, believed or experienced before, then one should worship the living embodiment of love, the Gnani Purush (master of spiritual science). Read on to fill your life with love and happiness.
0₹150.00The Gnani Purush, Dada Bhagwan, has expounded in his spoken words, the science of pratikraman, precisely as it is. His spoken words are to be found in this and many other books; words which will prove invaluable to the aspirant of truth and liberation.
0₹75.00Presented in the book, is Param Pujya Dadashri’s understanding, techniques and importance of doing pratikraman. You yourself will be amazed to experience how pratikraman is helpful to eliminate animosity and vengeance from your life.
Non-Violence (Ahimsa)
0₹75.00Find more about violence (Himsa) and non-violence (Ahimsa), from the gross to the subtlest levels as exposed by the Gnani Purush (Spiritual Scientist) himself. This read will, without doubt, serve as a very useful guide for those who want to practice Non-Violence (Ahimsa) and desire liberation…
Noble Use of Money
0₹60.00Noble Use Of Money
What is Charity/Donation: To give happiness to other living beings, humans or animals. When you give happiness to others, you will get happiness in return. Despite of giving away your own belongings, you feel good because you have done something good. When would one experience unending happiness? It will happen when you let go of the one thing in this world, which you love the most.
Life Without Conflict
0₹75.00In the book “Life Without Conflict”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan offers ultimate conflict resolution skills in the form of spiritual conflict resolution strategies. His spiritual teaching on how to resolve conflict – or to avoid it altogether – is offered in the context of common and everyday relationship challenges. Whether seeking relationship tips, marriage advice, or simply to learn how to stay healthy and to cultivate happy homes, this book will prove an invaluable resource.
Harmony in Marriage
0₹75.00Harmony In Marriage
How can peace prevail? For peace, you have to understand dharma (religion, one’s duties, moral code of conduct). You should tell everyone at home, “”We are not each other’s enemies; nobody should have quarrels with each other. There is no need to have differences of opinion. Let us share with each other what we have and let us be happy.”” That is how you should think and do everything. You should never quarrel with people at home. How can you quarrel with people you have to share the same home with? Nobody has ever been happy by making others miserable. We want to be happy by giving happiness. We can only be happy if we make others happy at home. You will be served a good cup of tea with a smile, if you avoid conflicts using this understanding.